Of Fireflies and Chakra Punches

Title: Of Fireflies and Chakra Punches
Rating: G
Genre: One-shot, Canon/ Future Canon
Series: Naruto
Main Characters: Kakashi and Sakura
Status: Complete
Summary: Kakashi and Sakura help each other heal and come to terms with Sasuke's absence six years after his defection.
Author's Comments: This was my first tentative attempt at a Naruto fic. I've only just started getting into the series so I was hesitant about my ability to write a fic. This one was sort of an experiment for myself, to see if I have the ability to characterize characters in a series I'm not 100% familiar with. The response from readers has been pretty positive so far *whew* so I might have to explore Naruto fandom a little more in the future. I could see myself writing a Kakashi/Sakura romance (future of course).
FanFiction: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4211561/1/Of_Fireflies_and_Chakra_Punches

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